Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

CHM 111 and CHM 100: I’ll be out on Monday 7/14/08

Unfortunately, I’ve caught some sort of virus and won’t be able to come on campus on Monday, 7/14/08.  Here’s how my absence will affect you.

CHM 100 students

This shouldn’t affect you at all, sinxe our class doesn’t meet on Monday.  Expect your test on chapters 4-7 on Tuesday as we previously planned.

CHM 111 students

Missing Monday (one of our long periods) will put us behind on our schedule.  When I come back, we will go rather quickly over Chapter 14 – the kinetics chapter.  We will discuss kinetics mainly in a qualitative manner, then move on to chapter 15.

Since we’re mostly avoiding the tedious mathematical parts of chapter 14, you shoud – when reading chapter 14 – focus on sections 14.1-14.6.  We’ll also discuss a little of section 4.9.

See the study guide [here] and the supplemental notes [here] for more information on what I expect you to know from Chapter 14.

I hope to be back in class on Tuesday, and I will probably have your second test graded by either Wednesday or Thursday.

CHM 111 Textbook Update!

CHM 111 students!

Those of you who weren’t here for CHM 110 the first half of the summer may be having trouble getting your books.  The bookstore is having more books shipped in via second day air, so they should be in before the end of the week.

The books that will be arriving are the 9th edition instead of the 8th.  The only difference between the 9th and 8th editions that I see are some slightly different page numbers.  During the semester, I’ll update the study guides to have suggested problems from both the 8th and 9th edtions of the text.

If you’re unable to get a book, please print out the supplemental notes for chapters 9, 10, and 11.  They cover just about everything you’ll need to know for the first test – which will cover chapter 10 and part/all (depending on how far we progress) of chapter 11.

Here are links to the supplemental notes:

Any questions?  Ask here!

Updated: CHM 110 grades posted!

Update:  6/23/08  If you had trouble this weekend accessing your grades on WebAdvisor, please try it again today.

Also, if you have any unpaid parking tickets, tuition, or library fines, you will need to go to the business office and pay before Tech will release your grades!

I have posted final grades for CHM 110. To get your grade, log on to [the WebAdvisor system].  The link in the previous sentence goes to directions for logging in to WebAdvisor.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view*** your final, you may come by the office sometime next week.

If you’re planning on taking the CHM 111 course during the second five weeks, here are a few things to remember.

  • You have to pass CHM 110 to be eligible to take CHM 111.
  • CHM 111 uses the same books that CHM 110 does.  You won’t need to buy anything new for CHM 111 except a $3 lab notebook – if your notebook from CHM 110 is full.
  • CHM 111 begins on Tuesday instead of Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed by privacy policies to discuss grades over the telephone!

***You don’t get to keep or copy the final!

CHM 110: Test 4

CHM 110 students: If you missed Test 4 and would like to take it, you may do so on Monday 6/16/08 immediately after class (from 11:20 AM until 1:20 PM).  If you do not take the test at that time, the final exam will count in place of the missed test.

It’s nearly the end of the semester.  I need to get the last test returned to everyone in class well in advance of this coming Friday’s final exam, so there’s no more time for make-ups.  I will be returning Test 4 to the class on Tuesday morning.

E-mail update

Looks like Tech’s e-mail system had a small hiccup.  At about 9PM tonight, I got a small flood of messages from last Wednesday and Thursday.  So if you e-mailed me on either Wednesday night or Thursday and didn’t get a response, it was because I didn’t actually receive your e-mail until tonight!  Messages sent on Friday were – as far as I know – not affected.

For future reference, if you e-mail me on a weekday (except Friday night!) and don’t get a response within 24 hours, you can assume that I haven’t received your mail.  I try to answer all e-mails as soon as possible.

End of semester announcements

CHM 100 students

  1. Friday’s class (April 25) is an optional Q&A session.  I will not be discussing anything new, but I will be available to answer questions if you have any.  You don’t have to come to the session, and I will not take attendance.
  2. Your final exam in CHM 100 is Wednesday, April 30 at 9:00 AM.  The exam will be in our regular classroom.  Bring a calculator to the exam, and if you think you might need a little extra time on the final please arrive a few minutes early.  I won’t be able to stay much longer than 11:00 AM because I have another final to give at 11:30 AM.
  3. The CHM 100 final exam is cumulative, covering chapters 1-10 in the textbook.  Be sure to use the chapter study guides to help you prepare for the final.  You will also find your notes from class and old tests useful.
  4. Don’t study only your old tests when preparig for the final! The old tests don’t cover any of the material from chapters 9 and 10, and these chapters will be on the final.  Also, there will be some different “old” material on the fina.  The old tests didn’t test everything you were supposed to know, after all!

CHM 111 students

  1. Friday’s class (April 25) is a Q&A session.  We’ll stay for only as long as you have questions about the final.  I have graded your Test #3 and will be handing it back.  You’re free to ask any questions you need to about that test as well.  Friday April 25 is also the last day I will accept your Chapter 17/18 assignment, so if you want credit for this assignment do not forget to bring it.  I will not give any credit for this assignment if it’s late!
  2. Your final exam in CHM 111 is Wednesday, April 30 at 11:30 AM.  The exam will be in our regular classroom.  Bring a calculator to the exam.  You will need it!
  3. The CHM 111 final exam is cumulative, covering chapters 10-18.  You should also consider studying Chapter 9, since if you don’t understand how to draw molecular structures you can’t do much with the material in chapters 10 and 11!  Look at the study guides and the web notes (see the sidebar on the right of this page), as well as your old tests, to help you prepare for the final.

If you have any questions, you may leave a comment below.