CHM 111 and CHM 100: I’ll be out on Monday 7/14/08

Unfortunately, I’ve caught some sort of virus and won’t be able to come on campus on Monday, 7/14/08.  Here’s how my absence will affect you.

CHM 100 students

This shouldn’t affect you at all, sinxe our class doesn’t meet on Monday.  Expect your test on chapters 4-7 on Tuesday as we previously planned.

CHM 111 students

Missing Monday (one of our long periods) will put us behind on our schedule.  When I come back, we will go rather quickly over Chapter 14 – the kinetics chapter.  We will discuss kinetics mainly in a qualitative manner, then move on to chapter 15.

Since we’re mostly avoiding the tedious mathematical parts of chapter 14, you shoud – when reading chapter 14 – focus on sections 14.1-14.6.  We’ll also discuss a little of section 4.9.

See the study guide [here] and the supplemental notes [here] for more information on what I expect you to know from Chapter 14.

I hope to be back in class on Tuesday, and I will probably have your second test graded by either Wednesday or Thursday.