Chapter 14 Objectives

CHM 111

Chapter 14 study guide / learning objectives

Chapter 14 in your textbook deals with kinetics - the study of the rate of chemical reactions. You will be introduced to the concept of the rate law - an equation which describes how the speed of a chemical reaction depends on temperature and the amount of reactants (or other substances) present. You will also (mainly in the laboratory portion of the course) look at the methods chemists use to get information about the rate of reaction. In lecture, we will focus more on the qualitative aspects of kinetics., but you should be able to perform basic rate calculations. In the textbook, we will focus primarily on sections 14.1 through 14.6, and will briefly discuss some material from section 14.9.

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

[Definitions / Terminology]

[Rate laws]

[Influencing the reaction rate]

[Collision theory]

[Transition state theory]


[Practice exercises from the textbook]

All original site content ©2007 Charles Taylor. Page updated: December 12, 2007.