Updated: CHM 110 grades posted!

Update:  6/23/08  If you had trouble this weekend accessing your grades on WebAdvisor, please try it again today.

Also, if you have any unpaid parking tickets, tuition, or library fines, you will need to go to the business office and pay before Tech will release your grades!

I have posted final grades for CHM 110. To get your grade, log on to [the WebAdvisor system].  The link in the previous sentence goes to directions for logging in to WebAdvisor.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view*** your final, you may come by the office sometime next week.

If you’re planning on taking the CHM 111 course during the second five weeks, here are a few things to remember.

  • You have to pass CHM 110 to be eligible to take CHM 111.
  • CHM 111 uses the same books that CHM 110 does.  You won’t need to buy anything new for CHM 111 except a $3 lab notebook – if your notebook from CHM 110 is full.
  • CHM 111 begins on Tuesday instead of Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed by privacy policies to discuss grades over the telephone!

***You don’t get to keep or copy the final!