End of semester announcements

CHM 100 students

  1. Friday’s class (April 25) is an optional Q&A session.  I will not be discussing anything new, but I will be available to answer questions if you have any.  You don’t have to come to the session, and I will not take attendance.
  2. Your final exam in CHM 100 is Wednesday, April 30 at 9:00 AM.  The exam will be in our regular classroom.  Bring a calculator to the exam, and if you think you might need a little extra time on the final please arrive a few minutes early.  I won’t be able to stay much longer than 11:00 AM because I have another final to give at 11:30 AM.
  3. The CHM 100 final exam is cumulative, covering chapters 1-10 in the textbook.  Be sure to use the chapter study guides to help you prepare for the final.  You will also find your notes from class and old tests useful.
  4. Don’t study only your old tests when preparig for the final! The old tests don’t cover any of the material from chapters 9 and 10, and these chapters will be on the final.  Also, there will be some different “old” material on the fina.  The old tests didn’t test everything you were supposed to know, after all!

CHM 111 students

  1. Friday’s class (April 25) is a Q&A session.  We’ll stay for only as long as you have questions about the final.  I have graded your Test #3 and will be handing it back.  You’re free to ask any questions you need to about that test as well.  Friday April 25 is also the last day I will accept your Chapter 17/18 assignment, so if you want credit for this assignment do not forget to bring it.  I will not give any credit for this assignment if it’s late!
  2. Your final exam in CHM 111 is Wednesday, April 30 at 11:30 AM.  The exam will be in our regular classroom.  Bring a calculator to the exam.  You will need it!
  3. The CHM 111 final exam is cumulative, covering chapters 10-18.  You should also consider studying Chapter 9, since if you don’t understand how to draw molecular structures you can’t do much with the material in chapters 10 and 11!  Look at the study guides and the web notes (see the sidebar on the right of this page), as well as your old tests, to help you prepare for the final.

If you have any questions, you may leave a comment below.