Category Archives: CHM 110 Class Notes Section 3 (Summer 10-Week 2015)

CHM 110 03 (10 week): Board notes for 07/14/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for section 3 (the ten-week session).  These notes discuss more gas law examples, real gases, thermodynamics and calorimetry, specific heat, and the heat of reaction.

[CHM 110 03: 07/14/2015 notes]

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CHM 110 03 (10 week): Board notes for 06/18/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for section 3 (the ten-week session).  These notes discuss chemical calculations.

[CHM 110 03: 06/18/2015 notes]

Here’s a list of tools for chemical calculations that we’ll be doing in CHM 110.  We’ve covered formula weight, molarity, and the chemical equation so far.  We’ll discuss the gas laws and chemical calculations with energy later on in Chapters 5 and 6.

[CHM 110: Chemical calculation memory jogger]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.