Category Archives: Spring 2008 CHM 110 (Chem Tech)

This material is for students enrolled in the CHM 110 section dedicated to Tech’s Chemical Laboratory Technician program.

Chem Tech: CHM 110 board notes for 4/24/08 and some announcements

Chem Tech students! Here are the notes from today’s CHM 110 class. These notes cover molecular shape and polarity.

[04/24/08 notes]

Here’s some important information for the rest of the semester:

  1. We will meet for CHM 110 lab on Monday at the usual time in room 5422. We will perform experiments 3A (Magnesium oxide lab) and 8 (Solubility in a family of elements). The write-ups for these labs – as well as the experiment 6 write-up and your lab notebook – will be due no later than Thursday, May 1 at 10:00 AM. (If these items are not turned in by the due data, a zero grade will be assigned.)
  2. We will not meet Tuesday April 29 or Wednesday April 30.
  3. I will not accept reports for experiments 4B and 5B any later than Monday, April 28. If these reports are not turned in by that date, a zero grade will be assigned.
  4. Your final exam will be Thursday, May 1 at 10:00 AM, in Room 5422. It will cover chapters 1-10 in the textbook. In Chapter 10, you are only responsible for sections 10.1 – 10.4. See here for notes on valence bond theory.