Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

CHM 110 and 111: Snow days


What a way to start the semester!

FDTC is closed for all students on both Monday 1/10 and Tuesday 1/11.

CHM 110 and CHM 111 don’t usually have laboratory meetings the first week of classes, so our laboratory schedule will not change.

For lecture, we will meet:

  • CHM 110-03 – Wednesday 1/12
  • CHM 110-01/02 and CHM 111 01/02 – Thursday 1/13

Leave a comment below if you have any questions.

Enjoy the snow!

Grades posted!

I have posted final grades for CHM 100 and CHM 110 (all sections).

You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your final exam grade on Desire2Learn, as well as your latter grade.  Print a copy of your grades for future reference, because you will not be able to access the complete gradebook when next semester starts!
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  The grade shown on WebAdvisor will be the one on your official transcript.  It is a single letter grade, not a numeric average or a listing of all your grades on class assignments.  Grades on WebAdvisor will be available on Monday, December 13.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view your final (you don’t get to keep a copy of the final, sorry!), you may come by the office before Christmas break or after the spring semester starts.  Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed to discuss grades over the telephone!  You may e-mail me in Desire2Learn to ask about your grades, since Desire2Learn’s e-mail is a private messaging system which requires a password to log in.

A note on “extra credit”:  Most of your regular tests this semester had more than 100 points on them.  These points were “extra credit”, as was the fact that your final exam could replace your lowest test score.  In lab, your lowest report grade was also dropped.  In other words, your reported grade in D2L already includes all the “extra credit” you will receive in this course.  Any requests for additional “extra credit” will be ignored.

That said …

Enjoy your winter break!

I hope you enjoyed chemistry this term, and I hope you now have some time to relax and enjoy your holiday.

Upcoming tests

[Note:  This announcement post is updated periodically, and will stay at the top of the page.  To see the latest content on the site, just scroll down a bit.]

Upcoming CHM 100 tests:

  • Final Exam: Wednesday, 12/8/2010, 9:30 AM, Room 5401. Cumulative!

Upcoming CHM 110-01 tests:

  • Final Exam: Monday 12/6/2010, 11:00 AM, Room 5401.  Cumulative!

Upcoming CHM 110-02 tests:

  • Final Exam: Monday 12/6/2010, 11:00 AM, Room 5401. Cumulative!

Upcoming CHM 110-03 tests:

  • Test 4:  Tuesday, 11/30/2010
  • Final Exam: Thursday 12/9/2010, 9:30 AM, Room 5408. Cumulative!

Note:  You will not be allowed to keep the CHM 100 or CHM 110 lab tests.  When they are graded, I will post the grades on D2L.  If you’d like to view your test after I have posted your grade, please come by the office during office hours.

Election Day 2010: No class on 11/2/2010

[Note:  This announcement post will stay at the top of the page until Election Day.  To see the latest content on the site, just scroll down.]

The college will be closed to students on Election Day, 11/2/2010.  No classes or laboratories will meet.  Here’s how this will affect our chemistry classes:

CHM 100:  We will not meet for lab on 11/2.  I have updated the [lab schedule] – check there to see the new dates for the last lab experiments and the lab exam.

CHM 110 01 and 02:  The Election Day holiday will not affect our class.

CHM 110 03:  We will not meet for class on 11/2.  Nothing else will change for our class.  (The third test will be on Thursday 11/4 as scheduled, so remember to ask questions about the test on 10/28!)

CHM 110: Experiment 6 calculation notes

Here are some notes on how you are to perform the calculations in our modified version of experiment 6.

[CHM 110: Experiment 6 calculation notes]

For help on making the graphs you’ll need to find your final temperatures, take a look at page 493 in your lab manual (towards the bottom of the page).

Note to students in the Thursday lab:  This is the same handout that was on your lab desks.

Upcoming tests

[Note:  This announcement post will stay at the top of the page for a while.  To see the latest content on the site, just scroll down a bit.]

Upcoming tests in Mr. Taylor’s chemistry courses.

CHM 100:  The second CHM 100 test will be on Wednesday, 10/13/2010. This test will cover chapters 4 and 5.  (We’ll be done with chapter 6 before then, but chapter 6 will be covered on the third test.

CHM 110 01 and 02:  Your second CHM 110 test will be on Wednesday, 10/13/2010.  This test will cover chapters 3 and 4, as well as the material on chemical equations from chapter 2.  A periodic table, chart of polyatomic ions, and solubility chart will be provided.  Bring your calculator!

CHM 110 03:  Your second CHM 110 test will be on Thursday, 10/14/2010.  This test will cover chapters 3 and 4, as well as the material on chemical equations from chapter 2.  A periodic table, chart of polyatomic ions, and solubility chart will be provided.  Bring your calculator!

CHM 110: Shared data for Experiment 3B (Thursday lab, section 3)

Here’s the shared data from CHM 110 Experiment 3B. These are the ratios of mass product / mass barium chloride dihydrate that you need to complete the table on page 74 and answer the questions on pages 75 and 76.  This is data for the Thursday lab section (section 3)!

Ratio of (mass product / mass BaCl2.2H2O):

  • 0.85299
  • 0.85181
  • 0.80819
  • 0.85341

The write-up for Experiment 3B is due at our next lab meeting. If you have any questions about either the calculations or the rest of the write-up, either come by my office or ask here in comments.

Here’s a handout that describes the calculation procedure for this experiment:

[CHM 110 Experiment 3B calculation notes]

I recommend that you use your TI-83 calculator or a spreadsheet to find the standard deviation the lab manual asks you to calculate.