Upcoming tests

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Upcoming tests in Mr. Taylor’s chemistry courses.

CHM 100:  The second CHM 100 test will be on Wednesday, 10/13/2010. This test will cover chapters 4 and 5.  (We’ll be done with chapter 6 before then, but chapter 6 will be covered on the third test.

CHM 110 01 and 02:  Your second CHM 110 test will be on Wednesday, 10/13/2010.  This test will cover chapters 3 and 4, as well as the material on chemical equations from chapter 2.  A periodic table, chart of polyatomic ions, and solubility chart will be provided.  Bring your calculator!

CHM 110 03:  Your second CHM 110 test will be on Thursday, 10/14/2010.  This test will cover chapters 3 and 4, as well as the material on chemical equations from chapter 2.  A periodic table, chart of polyatomic ions, and solubility chart will be provided.  Bring your calculator!