Election Day 2010: No class on 11/2/2010

[Note:  This announcement post will stay at the top of the page until Election Day.  To see the latest content on the site, just scroll down.]

The college will be closed to students on Election Day, 11/2/2010.  No classes or laboratories will meet.  Here’s how this will affect our chemistry classes:

CHM 100:  We will not meet for lab on 11/2.  I have updated the [lab schedule] – check there to see the new dates for the last lab experiments and the lab exam.

CHM 110 01 and 02:  The Election Day holiday will not affect our class.

CHM 110 03:  We will not meet for class on 11/2.  Nothing else will change for our class.  (The third test will be on Thursday 11/4 as scheduled, so remember to ask questions about the test on 10/28!)