Category Archives: CHM 111 Class Notes (Summer 2008)

CHM 111: Board notes for 6/24/08

Here are the notes for today’s CHM 111 class.  These notes cover VSEPR – a model used to determine a molecule’s shape based on its Lewis structure.

[CHM 111 – 6/24/08 notes]

If you’re new to these online notes, they’re in PDF format.  Most web browsers already have a PDF plugin installed, or will find one for you when you try to view a PDF.  If you have any trouble accessing these notes, please leave a comment below and I’ll try to help you figure out what’s going on.

Also, if you have any questions about today’s class, please leave a comment below.  Your comment will be viewable by the whole class, but your e-mail address will be sent only to me (so you won’t get any spam – or at least any more spam than you already get! 🙂 )