Winter Weather Update: Classes canceled Wednesday February 12th

From the FDTC web site:

***FDTC will be closed for all Faculty, Staff, and Students on Wednesday, Feb. 12th.***

What this means for CHM 110 and CHM 111 (so far)

CHM 110 01 and 02 (Tuesday/Thursday lecture):

  • If school is open on Thursday in time for our lecture, the first CHM 110 test for sections 1 and 2 will be on Tuesday.  If we are out Thursday, the first 110 test for sections 1 and 2 will be next Thursday.
  • The Wednesday lab (section 2) is canceled.  I will update the lab schedules after the winter weather is over and we’re back on campus.

CHM 110 03 (Monday/Wednesday lecture):

  • The first CHM 110 test for section 3 will be given on Monday.  It covers all of chapter 1 and chapter 2 through ionic nomenclature.

CHM 111:

  • If school is open on Thursday in time for our lecture, the first CHM 111  test will be this Thursday.  The test covers chapters 10 and 11.  If we are out Thursday, the first 111 test will be Tuesday.
  • The IR report is due next Tuesday at the beginning of our lab period.

I’ll post updated information tomorrow when I get it.  If you have any questions, leave a comment here or send me an e-mail!