Winter weather … again!

This just in from FDTC’s main web site:

***FDTC will be closed for all Faculty, Staff, and Students after 11:00am on Tuesday, Feb. 11th.***

What that means for us:

  • If you have an 8:00 AM class, class will meet on Tuesday.
  • If you have a 9:30 AM class, class will meet on Tuesday.  That means CHM 111 will meet on Tuesday for lecture only.
  • Any Tuesday class that starts at or after 11 AM will be canceled.  So, CHM 110 01 and 02 lectures will not meet on Tuesday CHM 111’s afternoon  laboratory will not meet on Tuesday.  The CHM 111 report on the IR lab will be due at next week’s lab meeting.

At the moment, I don’t know what (if any) impact the upcoming winder weather will have on Wednesday and Thursday.  I will update this post with more information when I have it.