UPDATED! Weather information – FDTC closed Thursday

Yet another update!  From FDTC’s main web site:

***Attention: Students, Faculty, & Staff – FDTC will be closed Thursday Jan. 30th, 2014 due to inclement weather.***

What that means for chemistry classes.

  • CHM 110-01 / CHM 110-02 – Thursday’s 11AM lecture is canceled.  Thursday’s lab (for section 01) is canceled.
  • CHM 110-03 -No additional effect for section 03.
  • CHM 111-01 – Thursday’s 9:30 AM lecture is canceled.

I will rework the lab schedule for all the CHM classes whenever Tech reopens (likely Friday).  Since we’ve essentially missed an entire week of class, I will reschedule the first test for CHM 110 and CHM 111 and post an update when Tech re-opens.

If you need to contact me between now and Friday or have any questions about anything I posted above, please leave a comment here.  I will not be able to check Tech e-mail or voice mail until I’m back at work, since my remote access to my Tech mail account is not currently working.