All classes: Reminders for the rest of the week (12/4 – 12/6)

Here are some reminders for the rest of the week:

CHM 110 sections 01 and 02:  Lecture class will not meet on Wednesday morning, but section 02’s lab will meet at the usual time in the afternoon.  We will perform experiment 9B and your lab notebooks are due at the end of the lab period.

CHM 110 section 03:  Lecture class will not meet on Thursday morning, but lab will meet at the usual time.  We will perform experiment 9B and your lab notebooks are due at the end of the lab period.

An additional note for CHM 110 students in all sections:  Lab notebooks are due at the end of the this week’s laboratory period for your section whether you actually attend the last experiment or not.  If you won’t be able to attend the last lab experiment, then bring me the notebook early.  Late laboratory notebooks are treated like late laboratory reports, and the ten-point-deduction-per-day-late penalty stated in the syllabus applies.

CHM 101: lecture class will not meet on Wednesday morning.  We will meet on Friday morning for lab, where you’ll be taking the second lab test.  Board notes for the labs and a lab test 2 study guide were posted before the Thanksgiving break (look at older posts to find them)