Weekend Update (all classes): End of Week 4

weekendupdateheaderAnother week done!

CHM 101

No homework over this weekend, since you had a test your lass class period.  We’ll continue on this week with chapter 4 in the textbook, where we’ll talk about the nature of the atom.

Reminder: Friday’s lab (the oxygen lab) will require proper lab dress (long pants and shoes that cover your whole foot, so don’t forget!

CHM 110 (01 and 02 – Monday/Wednesday sections)

You’ll get your test back on Monday, but I likely won’t have time to get the grades into D2L until after you get the test back.

We will continue in Chapter 2 this week with chemical nomenclature.  It’ll help if you’ve read the material in the book before we go over it in class.  It’s not overly difficult, but it will require some practice to get it right,

We will do Experiment 1C in lab, which is similar to the introductory lab but with actual statistics.  You’ll need a calculator for this one, and you will be required to record this experiment in your laboratory notebook, so don’t forget to bring it!

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday section)

You’ll get your test back on Tuesday morning.

We will likely finish up Chapter 2 and start Chapter 3 this week.  Chapter 3 teaches us chemical calculations.  If you learned the dimensiunal analysis method for the the first test, Chapter 3 will be a lot easier!

We will do Experiment 1C in lab, which is similar to the introductory lab but with actual statistics.  You’ll need a calculator for this one, and you will be required to record this experiment in your laboratory notebook, so don’t forget to bring it!