Reminders for the end of the second week

For CHM 110 students:

Monday is a holiday, so section 3 students (M/W)won’t be coming to chemistry class until Wednesday.  Since section 3’s laboratory is on Monday, no sections  of CHM 110 will have lab the week of January 21-January 25.  This will ensure that all the laboratory sections of 110 will be doing the same experiment each week.  Lecture classes for sections 1/2 are unaffected and will meet on Tuesday and Thursday.

Your second homework assignment (the first one was to bring back the syllabus signature page) has been posted.  Scroll down, find your assignment, print it out, work it, and bring it with you to our next class meeting.  Sections 1 and 2 – that’s Tuesday.  Section 3 – that’s Wednesday due to the holiday.  A few things about the homework:

  1. Work the right assignment!  Make sure that if you’re in the Monday/Wednesday lecture, you wonk the Monday/Wednesday assignment – and if you’re in the Tuesday/Thursday lecture you work the Tuesday/Thursday assignment.  You won’t get credit for turning in the wrong assignment.
  2. Print out the sheets, and turn in those sheets when you complete them!  I won’t take homework done on notebook paper or other things than the printed homework forms.  I return homework to you the next class period, and it takes much less time to grade the homework if it’s uniform – in other words, if it’s all done on the printed pages!
  3. Answers to the homework will be posted on this web site after class on the day the homework is due!  In other words, I don’t accept late homework because the answers will already be available here for you to download.
  4. When you start preparing for the test, I encourage you to look at the other section’s homework as an extra set of practice problems.  The homework assignments for section 3 and sections 1/2 generally cover the same or similar material, but the questions on each set are different.  Use that to your advantage when studying.

For CHM 111 students:

The holiday on Monday doesn’t affect us.  Lecture and lab will meet next week as scheduled.

Tutoring is now available:

For anyone who missed Karen Herbert’s comment yesterday, we have tutors available for CHM 110 and CHM 111 in the success center:

Reminder – chemistry tutors are available in the Success Center. [Karen Herbert is] there Wednesday/Thursday/Friday mornings. Matthew Collier is here in the afternoons (off Fridays) and on Sundays 2-6pm.

I encourage you to take advantage of this free service if you need a little extra help in CHM 110 or CHM 111.