Reminders for the end of the first week

For CHM 110 students:

Remember to bring your syllabus signature page to the next class period (if you haven’t done so already), as it counts as your first homework grade this semester.

Also, CHM 110 labs are starting.  We will be doing an introductory experiment (which you can read about by looking at the CHM 110 handouts link on the right side of the page) and going over lab policies and safety information during the lab period.  If you’ve not had the chance to buy a lab manual or notebook yet, don’t worry about it – neither are required for the introductory experiment.

For CHM 111 students:

Remember to bring your syllabus signature page to the next class period (if you haven’t done so already).  If you bring it on time, you will get a few bonus points on your first test.

During Tuesday’s laboratory period, we’ll perform experiment 9B.  You will need to bring both your laboratory notebook and laboratory manual to the lab.  If you want to use your own pair of safety glasses in lab instead of borrowing a pair of goggles, you should make sure to purchase them and bring them to lab with you.