Reminders for over the weekend

For all classes:

Labs start the week of 8/20-8/24 for CHM 101 and all sections of CHM 110.  You will not need to write anything in your lab manual for the first experiment, but bring it if you have it.  if you’ve not yet purchased a lab manual, you have until the next week to do so.

Your syllabus signature page is due at your next class meeting.  At latest, I must have your syllabus page by the end of the week ( 8/20-8/24) for you to receive homework/quiz credit for it.  Find the syllabus for your class using the links on the right.

For CHM 110 only:

You will not need to purchase a lab notebook until we do experiment 1C. If you’re not sure what kind of notebook to buy, check the lab notebook handout (in the Lab Handouts section of the site for CHM 110) or ask me when we meet in lab for the first time.