Category Archives: CHM 111 Class Notes Section 1 (Summer 2014)

CHM 111 01 (5 week): Board notes for 07/07/2014

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (the five-week session).  These notes include solid properties, classification of solids, solutions, and an introduction to solution concentration calculations.

[CHM 111 01: 07/07/2014 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.

CHM 111 01 (5 week): Board notes for 06/25/2014

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (the five-week session).  These notes include general properties of solids and liquids, phase changes, phase diagrams, liquid properties, and the nature of intermolecular forces.

[CHM 111 01: 06/25/2014 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.

CHM 111 01 (5 week): Board notes for 06/23/2014

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (the five-week session).  These notes include a review of Lewis structures and a definition of the VSEPR model.

[CHM 111 01: 06/23/2014 notes, part 1]

[CHM 111 01: 06/23/2014 notes, part 2]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.