More snow announcements



CHM 100 Students

If you missed today’s (2/4/09) 9:30 AM CHM 100 class due to the weather and were unable to turn in your significant figures quiz, please turn it in at the beginning of Monday’s class.  I will delay posting the quiz answers here at the website until then.  Remember, though, that the first CHM 100 test, covering chapters 1-3, is on Wednesday.  Make sure you’ve read chapters 1-3 before Monday’s class and come to class prepared to ask any questions you might have on the material.

CHM 111 Students

We’ll have lecture class today (2/4/09).  Try to come if you can get here safely.  I’ve moved this week’s experiment (22B) to next week so you won’t miss lab if you can’t get here for weather-related reasons.  [See the updated lab schedule by clicking this link.]

The reports for experiment 9B and the salicylic acid characterization lab will be due at our next lab meeting, 2/11/09.