Monthly Archives: August 2015

CHM 110 01 and 02 (MW lecture): Board notes for 08/31/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for sections 1 abd 2 (MW lecture).  These notes discuss math with significant figures, exact numbers, Dalton’s atomic theory, and subatomic particles.

[CHM 110 01 and 02: 08/31/2015 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.

Free tutoring available in the Success Center

From our friends at the Success Center:

Good news! There will be chemistry tutoring in the Success Center, at least through September. Chemistry tutoring should still be supported through the semester; I will keep  you updated.

My hours are Tuesday 1 pm – 6 pm, and Wednesdays 8 am – 1 pm.

Fabiola will also be available but hasn’t confirmed her schedule yet – students can stop by or call.

We love helping chemistry students in the Success Center!

Karen Herbert

The [Success Center] is located in the 300 building and is open on weekdays.  I strongly encourage chemistry students to take advantage of this resource while it’s available!