Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

Winter weather … again!

This just in from FDTC’s main web site:

***FDTC will be closed for all Faculty, Staff, and Students after 11:00am on Tuesday, Feb. 11th.***

What that means for us:

  • If you have an 8:00 AM class, class will meet on Tuesday.
  • If you have a 9:30 AM class, class will meet on Tuesday.  That means CHM 111 will meet on Tuesday for lecture only.
  • Any Tuesday class that starts at or after 11 AM will be canceled.  So, CHM 110 01 and 02 lectures will not meet on Tuesday CHM 111’s afternoon  laboratory will not meet on Tuesday.  The CHM 111 report on the IR lab will be due at next week’s lab meeting.

At the moment, I don’t know what (if any) impact the upcoming winder weather will have on Wednesday and Thursday.  I will update this post with more information when I have it.

CHM 110 and 111 – Schedule updates

Lab schedule update

Updated lab schedules have been posted for all lab sections affected by the recent winter storm.  Use the usual links on the right, or click one of the links below to view and print an updated lab schedule:

(CHM 110 section 03’s not included above because there has been no change in the section 03 lab schedule.)

Lecture schedule update (Test 1)

Test 1 for all sections of CHM 110 and CHM 111 was originally scheduled for the week of February 3rd-7th.  However, most sections have missed an entire week’s worth of lecture periods, so we will move the first test back a week.  Here’s the new schedule for Test 1:

CHM 110-01 and CHM 110-02 (Tuesday/Thursday lectures):

  • Test 1:  Thursday February 13th
  • Test 1 (second version): Thursday, February 20th.

CHM 110-03 (Monday/Wednesday lectures):

  • Test 1:  Wednesday February 12th
  • Test 1 (second version): Wednesday, February 19th.

CHM 111-01 (Tuesday/Thursday lectures):

  • Test 1:  Thursday February 13th
  • Test 1 (second version): Thursday, February 20th.

The rest of the semester schedule is (so far) unchanged.  If you have any questions about the updated schedule, please ask below in comments.

[View of field in front of 5000 building]

Snow melts at FDTC Main Campus

UPDATED! Weather information – FDTC closed Thursday

Yet another update!  From FDTC’s main web site:

***Attention: Students, Faculty, & Staff – FDTC will be closed Thursday Jan. 30th, 2014 due to inclement weather.***

What that means for chemistry classes.

  • CHM 110-01 / CHM 110-02 – Thursday’s 11AM lecture is canceled.  Thursday’s lab (for section 01) is canceled.
  • CHM 110-03 -No additional effect for section 03.
  • CHM 111-01 – Thursday’s 9:30 AM lecture is canceled.

I will rework the lab schedule for all the CHM classes whenever Tech reopens (likely Friday).  Since we’ve essentially missed an entire week of class, I will reschedule the first test for CHM 110 and CHM 111 and post an update when Tech re-opens.

If you need to contact me between now and Friday or have any questions about anything I posted above, please leave a comment here.  I will not be able to check Tech e-mail or voice mail until I’m back at work, since my remote access to my Tech mail account is not currently working.

Final grades now available for CHM 101 and CHM 110

I have posted final grades for CHM 101 and all sections of  CHM 110.  You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your numeric average on Desire2Learn (D2L), as well as your latter grade.  If you would like a copy of all of your grades from the course as well as your numeric average, print them from D2L now.  You will only have access to this semester’s grades on D2L for a week or so – whether or not you are attending classes in the spring.
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  The grade on Webadvisor is your official grade, and will be the one recorded on your transcript.  WebAdvisor will only show your final letter grade, not your individual assignment grades or numeric average.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view your final (you don’t get to keep a copy of the final, sorry!), you may come by the office in January.  Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed to discuss grades over the telephone!  You may e-mail me through Desire2Learn (using your official FDTC e-mail address)  to ask about your grades.  Keep in mind that faculty are on winter break starting December 18th, so you might not get an immediate response to e-mails during the break.  (I will be checking school e-mail periodically, but not as frequently as I would during the regular semester.)


If you’re a CHM 110 student who is planning on taking CHM 111 in the spring, don’t sell your textbook or lab manual!  We will be using the same materials for CHM 111 as we did for CHM 110.  The only thing you will need to buy new for CHM 111 is a new lab notebook (same type as you bought for CHM 110).

And now …

Enjoy your winter break!

Final Exam Schedule for CHM 101 and CHM 110

Here are the final exam times and locations for CHM 101 and CHM 110:

CHM 101Wednesday 12/11.  9:30 AM – 11:30 AM , Room 5402.

CHM 110 sections 1 and 2: Monday 12/9.  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Room 5401.

CHM 110 section 3Thursday 12/12.  9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.  Room 5408

Make sure to bring a calculator and writing utensil (pencil or pen) to the final exam!

All classes: Reminders for the rest of the week (12/4 – 12/6)

Here are some reminders for the rest of the week:

CHM 110 sections 01 and 02:  Lecture class will not meet on Wednesday morning, but section 02’s lab will meet at the usual time in the afternoon.  We will perform experiment 9B and your lab notebooks are due at the end of the lab period.

CHM 110 section 03:  Lecture class will not meet on Thursday morning, but lab will meet at the usual time.  We will perform experiment 9B and your lab notebooks are due at the end of the lab period.

An additional note for CHM 110 students in all sections:  Lab notebooks are due at the end of the this week’s laboratory period for your section whether you actually attend the last experiment or not.  If you won’t be able to attend the last lab experiment, then bring me the notebook early.  Late laboratory notebooks are treated like late laboratory reports, and the ten-point-deduction-per-day-late penalty stated in the syllabus applies.

CHM 101: lecture class will not meet on Wednesday morning.  We will meet on Friday morning for lab, where you’ll be taking the second lab test.  Board notes for the labs and a lab test 2 study guide were posted before the Thanksgiving break (look at older posts to find them)

CHM 110 (all sections): Some notes for this week’s experiment – Experiment 6

We will be using a slightly modified procedure this week, so you don’t need to work on any of the pre-laboratory questions for Experiment 6 before coming to lab this week.  We will use the procedure on page 122, so do read over that before coming to the lab.

Here are some potentially helpful handouts for this week’s lab:

Tutoring update

From Karen Herbert (chemistry tutor in the Success Center):

Chemistry tutoring on Monday & Wednesday is from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. On Tuesday, November 5th, I will be in late, around 3 pm – 7 pm. See you in the Success Center!

CHM 101 and CHM 110: A lab reminder

[This notice will stay at the top of the page for a few days.  Scroll down for the latest course notes.]

Just a few quick reminders::  You’re expected to come to lab on time each week.  As stated in the syllabus for both CHM 110 and CHM 101 …

Any student arriving to lab more than twenty minutes after the lab’s scheduled start time will be counted absent and will not be allowed to participate in the experiment

Please arrive on time.  If you’re late, you will miss the lab’s safety information and discussion, and I can’t allow you to work.

Also, remember your materials.  You need to bring these to each lab:

  1. Proper attire (long pants and closed-toe shoes – shoes that cover the tops of your feet.  Bring your safely glasses, too,  if you prefer your own pair.
  2. Lab manual
  3. Calculator
  4. Laboratory Notebook (CHM 110 only)
