Category Archives: CHM 111 Class Notes (Summer 2010)

CHM 111: Board notes for 7/1/10

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes.  These notes discuss Le Chateleir’s principle and introduce equilibrium calculations.

[CHM 111: 7/1/2010 notes]

Here are the pages from today’s review of the chapter 12 and 13 material:

[7/1/10 CHM 111 review discussion]

One clarification, since someone asked me this at the end of the class:

You will be given the colligative property formulas and data (like Kf values) on the test.

You will not be given definitions for the four concentration units: molarity, molality, mass percent, mole fraction.  You must memorize the definitions of these four units!

Any more questions?  Ask here!