We are offering three sections of CHM 110 this spring. Make sure you’re looking at the syllabus for your section.
Click the appropriate link below to access the lab syllabus:
- [CHM 110 Lab Syllabus for Section 1 – Spring 2019] (Lectures MM at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM, Lab W at 11:00 AM)
- [CHM 110 Lab Syllabus for Section 2 – Spring 2019] (Lectures MW at 2:00 PM, Lab T at 2:00 PM)
- [CHM 110 Lab Syllabus for Section 3 – Spring 2019] (Lectures TTH at 11:00 AM, Lab M at 11:00 AM)
Handout for usage of Microsoft Word and Excel (all lab sections)