Category Archives: CHM 111 Class Notes (Spring 2020)

CHM 111 01: Board notes for 01/21/2020

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (TTH 9:30 AM lecture).  These notes discuss valence bond theory:  definition, hybridization, and multiple bonds.

[CHM 111 01: 01/21/2020 notes]

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Note:  The page numbers start over from “1” for this set of notes, as most of the material we’ve discussed up to now is usually covered in CHM 110.

Sample set of notes

Here is a test page that you should view to see if you can properly download/view/print notes.  Click the link below to see the test page: [CHM 110/111: Test Page]

You should see both typed and handwritten text on the test page, as well as a hand-drawn chart and a picture of our lab.  The test page should look like the image below (but sharper and easier to read) when you view it on your screen:
