Scholarships available!


Now that I’ve got your attention, here’s something you should read from the financial aid office.  Quite a few foundations make scholarships available to FDTC students, but you can’t get a scholarship unless you apply!

Scholarship Application Procedures

Scholarships are made available to students through donations from individuals, businesses, industry, foundations, and private sources.  Applicants must have a minimum 2.50 cumulative grade point average to apply for a scholarship.  Students enrolled in Transitional Studies are not eligible to apply. All applicants must submit an FDTC Scholarship Application online no later than the deadline dates for priority consideration.

Scholarship recipients must complete all admissions requirements to FDTC.  Students must be pursuing a certificate, degree, or diploma unless otherwise specified by the donor.  Each semester, students enrolled for less-than 6 credit hours receive 1/2 of the scholarship amount.  Students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours receive the full scholarship amount.  Scholarship recipients that withdraw from the College, or transfer to another college, and decide not to return, will not have their scholarship automatically reinstated.

Scholarship deadlines are as follows:

  • 2012 Spring Semester — October 31st

To be considered for scholarships administered by the FDTC Foundation, students must have appropriate test scores, high school records, and show potential academic and personal growth.  Recipients of scholarships are requested to respond in writing to the donor of the scholarship.  The FDTC Foundation will provide each recipient a FDTC Thank You Card, and the name and address of the donor of the scholarship.

The Drs. Bruce and Lee Allied Health Scholarship award is no longer automatically awarded for the 2nd year of study. Students wishing to be considered for their 2nd year of study must submit a new scholarship application, provided the student maintains a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in their Allied Health program for the terms since the scholarship was awarded.