Upcoming tests

[Note:  This announcement post is updated periodically, and will stay at the top of the page until finals are over.  To see the latest content on the site, just scroll down a bit.]

Upcoming CHM 110-01/02 tests:

  • Final Exam: Tuesday 5/3, 11:00 AM, Room 5404. Cumulative!

Upcoming CHM 110-03 tests:

  • Final Exam: Wednesday 5/4, 9:30 AM, Room 5404. Cumulative!

Upcoming CHM 111 tests:

  • Final Exam: Thursday 5/5, 9:30 AM, Room 5404. Cumulative!

CHM 110 and CHM 111 students (all sections):  Your graded Test 4 is available at my office.  You may come and pick up your test anytime (not just during office hours) from now until the end of finals week.