CHM 110: Some “final” announcements

CHM 110 students

Just a few quick announcements before tomorrow’s final exam:

  1. Check [Desire2Learn] on Saturday for your grades.  I will also post a note on the main course web site (here) when I have finished calculating your grades.
  2. You do not get to keep a copy of your final exam.  However, if you would like to view your graded exam, then visit me during office hours sometime next week.
  3. If you’re registered for CHM 111, class begins on Monday morning.  The required books and accessories for CHM 111 are the same as for CHM 110.  Class meeting times and locations are the same as for CHM 110.  If you’re signed up for a different section of CHM 111 (i.e. you’re signed up for section 2 in 110 but section 1 in 111), your lab times might be different.  Check your schedule!
  4. If you’re finishing CHM 110, have decided you would like to take CHM 110, and are not registered for the course – you may still register for CHM 111 as late as Monday.  Come to Monday’s class and ask me for a registration form right after the class is over.
  5. Please remember to bring both a calculator with good batteries and something to write with to the exam!

Any last-minute questions?  Ask them here!  I will be checking periodically for questions until 11:00 PM tonight.