Out 2/23/2010

My daughter’s not feeling well, so I will be staying home with her on 2/23/2010 (Tuesday).  Here’s how that will impact your classes.

CHM 100:  My absence shouldn’t have any effect on your class; I anticipate being back on campus tomorrow morning for class.  Quiz #4 is due tomorrow (2/24/2010).

CHM 110:  We’ll miss class today.  I had intended to cover molarity and the information you’d need to know to finish experiment 4C today in class, but we won’t have the opportunity.  So, we will slide the lab schedule back a bit to give us an opportunity to catch up.  We won’t meet CHM 110 lab this week, and will perform experiment 4C next week (3/3 and 3/4).  I will update the lab schedule to reflect this change.  The write-up for experiment 3B will be due when you come to lab to perform experiment 4C.

CHM 111:  We’ll miss class and today’s lab.  The Monday lab section will continue on their schedule like normal.  The Tuesday lab section will perform part 1 of the gravimetric chloride lab next week, and will finish part 2 of the lab on 3/9 along with the freezing point lab (there should be enough time to do part 2  at the beginning of the freezing point lab.)