Grades posted!

I have posted final grades for CHM 100, CHM 110, and CHM 111.  You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your final exam grade on Desire2Learn, as well as your latter grade.
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  This is your official grade;  WebAdvisor will only show your final letter grade, not your individual grades or numeric average.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view your final (you don’t get to keep a copy of the final, sorry!), you may come by the office before Christmas break.  Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed to discuss grades over the telephone!  You may e-mail me in Desire2Learn to ask about your grades, since Desire2Learn’s e-mail is a private messaging system which requires a password to log in.

Enjoy your winter break!

Enjoy your winter break!

I hope you enjoyed chemistry this term, and I hope you now have some time to relax and enjoy your holiday.

Note: Your grades have been entered into the WebAdvisor system. It’s possible (this happened a few semesters ago) that they may not show up in WebAdvisor until Monday.  Grades are already visible in Desire2Learn, though.  If you have any trouble seeing your grades in Desire2Learn, let me know.