Classes on Tuesday (7/14)

I will be back for some of the day on Tuesday.  I’ll be around for the late-morning CHM 111 class, but I won’t be able to make the early CHM 100 class.

CHM 100:  I will collect the calculations quiz that was due Tuesday on Thursday (7/16).  We have our next test scheduled for Tuesday 7/20/09.  That won’t change, since we have already covered all the material for the next test – chapters 6, 7, and 8.

CHM 111:  We will meet at the normal time (10:50 AM) tomorrow.  If you’ve not done so, please make sure to read Chapter 14.  Friday’s test will cover chapter 14 and part of Chapter 15.  I’m not sure if we will have time to complete Chapter 15 by the end of Thursday’s class.

Any questions?  Ask here!