MLK Holiday

Monday 1/19/09 is a holiday.  The school will be closed, and no classes or labs will meet.  Here’s how the holiday will affect your chemistry schedule.

CHM 100 students

  • No lecture on Monday 1/19
  • Section 1 lab will not meet on 1/19.  You will perform the introductory experiment on 1/26.
  • Section 2 lab will meet on Tuesday 1/20.  You will perform the introductory experiment.  I will hand out a copy of the experiment when you get to lab, but if you want to look it over before coming in, here it is: [CHM 100 Introductory Experiment]

CHM 110 students

  • Your class schedule is unaffected by the holiday.  You will perform the introductory experiment (the same one as the CHM 100 class) on Thursday 1/22.

CHM 111 students

  • No lecture on Monday 1/19
  • You will perform Experiment 9B on Wednesday 1/21.  Remember that the prelab for the experiment (pages 177-178 inyour lab manual) is due at the beginning of the lab period.  Please have it ready when you walk in.  Also, don’t forget your lab manual and notebook on Wednesday.