
Final exams are next week.  Here’s some answers to some questions you might have?

When’s my final and where do I go to take it?

Class Section(s) Time Location
CHM 100 1 and 2 Wednesday 12/10/08 at 9:00 AM Room 5401
CHM 110 1 and 2 Monday 12/08/08 at 10:30 AM Room 5401

What should I bring to the final?

Bring a scientific calculator with fresh batteries and several pencils or pens to the exam.  (You will not be allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator, since it could also be used for cheating via text message.)

When do I get my grades?

I will attempt to have your grades entered into [the webadvisor system] by the end of finals week.  The system may not release your grades for viewing until the beginning of the following week, so please don’t panic if your grades aren’t visible over the weekend!

Please don’t call me about your grades.  Privacy policy forbids me from discussing your grades over the phone.  If you would like to view your final exam (or if you think there’s been some error in how I calculated your grade and would like to discuss it), then please [send me an e-mail] and we’ll try to work out some time to meet in person.

I’m a CHM 100 student.  Any study tips?

Start with [the study guides].  Go through each one.  They’re organized as a list of things that you might be asked to do on the final exam.  [Use the class notes] to help you be able to do the things listed in the study guides.  Try the suggested practice problems at the bottom of each guide and the and the [practice sets on the web] to see if you really know what you’re doing.  (Side note:  We didn’t cover molecular shape in Chapter 10, so you’re not responsible for that.  You are responsible for the rest of the chapter 10 study guide.)

For more practice, try the [quizzes].  I have posted answers to each quiz we’ve taken – in most cases I’ve posted detailed solutions and not simply ‘answers”.  These can help you, particularly if you’re stuck on how to work a math problem.

You also have tests 1-3 to study.  Use these tests like the quizzes – as practice problems.  Remember, though, that your tests only cover up through chapter 7, so you’ll need to rely more on the quizzes, class notes, and study guides for chapters 8, 9, and 10.

For even more practice, you can use the problems at the end of each chapter in the textbook.  Answers for each of the odd-numbered problems are in the back of the book.

I’m a CHM 110 student.  Any study tips?

Start with [the study guides].  Go through each one.  They’re organized as a list of things that you might be asked to do on the final exam.  [Use the class notes] to help you be able to do the things listed in the study guides.  Try the suggested practice problems at the bottom of each guide and the and the [practice sets on the web] to see if you really know what you’re doing.

For additional help, try the supplemental notes for chapters 1-9, available on the sidebar of the page.

You also have tests 1-4*** to study.  Use these tests as practice problems.

If you still need more practice, you can use the problems at the end of each chapter in the textbook.  Answers for each of the odd-numbered problems are in the back of the book.

***Test 4 has been graded and will be returned on Friday, 12/5/08.