Daily Archives: January 7, 2020

Welcome, CHM 110 and CHM 111 students!

Welcome to Mr. Taylor’s chemistry web site at Florence-Darlington Technical College! This site was created to help students in CHM 110 and CHM 111 with their chemistry courses.

What can you find here? Announcements will show up as “posts” on the part of the page that you’re reading right now. On most of these posts, you will be able to give feedback or ask questions by leaving a comment (using the “Leave a reply” link at the top of each post or the comment box if it’s already visible). You may try it by leaving a comment on this post, if you like. You need to enter your e-mail address to leave a comment, but this e-mail address will not be published on the web for others to see. In other words, you won’t get any spam from leaving comments on this site!

On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see links to course documents, study guides, class notes, handouts, etc.

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Look over there!

You can also use the menu bar at the top to access the same information, if you find a menu bar more convenient.

The links are organized by class, so make sure you click the right places! Feel free to look at the material for other courses if you like, but remember that you’ll be tested on your own course’s stuff!  You can also access notes from previous semesters by looking at the category called [The Old Stuff].  Feel free to browse the whole site.

You can get a copy of the periodic table that will be provided with all CHM 110 and CHM 111 tests by [clicking this link]. Or, use the periodic table link to the right.

Getting the notes for each day’s class

Course notes from the screen will be posted afternoons or evenings after each lecture class.  You can get the notes from the main site page or from [here, if you’re in CHM 110] or [here if you’re in CHM 111].  Most newer browsers like Firefox and Microsoft Edge (which comes with Windows 10) can view the notes without additional software.  If you have trouble viewing the notes, try downloading [Adobe Reader], since the course notes and other documents are [PDF files].  You do not need Microsoft Office to access the notes!

Getting your grades

If you’d like to know your current class average and the grades for your assignments, you will need to log in to Desire2Learn and look at the “Grades” section.   You may access Desire2Learn by [clicking this link].

Supplemental material

CHM 110 and CHM 111 students can access supplemental course notes using the links on the right.  You may find these notes helpful as a supplement to your course textbook. CHM 111 students can also use the CHM 110 supplemental notes to review concepts from the previous course.