Monthly Archives: June 2018

CHM 111 01 (5 week): Board notes for 06/27/2018

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (5-week session).  These notes contain a colligative property example for ionic compounds.  These notes also discuss kinetics – rate, the rate law, factors that affect rate, collision/transition state theory, and the effect of a catalyst.

[CHM 111 01: 06/27/2018 notes]

Here are a few more example problems for solution calculations.  You may need to look up a few values (constants) from Chapter 12 to solve them.  The first link is problems only, and the second link provides full solutions.

[CHM 111: Extra Chapter 12 Practice Problems]

[CHM 111: Extra Chapter 12 Practice Problems – SOLUTIONS]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below

CHM 111 01 (5 week): Board notes for 06/18/2018

Here are today’s CHM 111 notes for section 1 (5-week session).  These notes contain a review of Lewis structures – including basic structures, resonance, polyatomic ions, and structures of larger (multiple-center) molecules.

[CHM 111 01: 06/18/2018 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.

Welcome CHM 111 students

[CHM 110 students may ignore this post]

Welcome, CHM 111 students, to FDTC for the second five-week summer session.  Here are a few notes about the course and this web site to get you started.  First – class meetings:

  • We meet on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for lecture.  Each lecture meeting is from 10:15 AM – 12:15 PM in room 5404.  Each week, we will have a test during the Thursday lecture period.
  • Labs meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 PM – 5:20 PM in room 5402 with Mr. Saleeby.  You will typically do two experiments each week.  Labs begin on the first day.
  • We have Summer Break on July 2-July 6.  There will be no class or lab that week.

The web site:

  • Use the supplemental notes for CHM 110 to review some of the material from CHM 110.  I suggest reviewing at least the material on chemical calculations and Lewis structures, as this class assumes you already know how to do these things.
  • Use the menu at the top of the page or the links on the right side to find other material.  Get the study guides for chapters 10 and 11 today.
  • Current notes will be posted on the main page, but you can access older notes using the “Notes/Announcements” selector on the right side of the page.  You can also use the “Daily Class Notes (111)” links in the menus to filter the site so that only your notes are displayed.
  • You may leave comments on the web site using the comments link (usually called “Leave a reply”) found on current postings.

If you have any other questions, just ask Mr. Taylor!