Monthly Archives: September 2015

Class Cancellations – Monday 9/21/15

Due to illness, I’m cancelling CHM 101-01ET, CHM 110-01, and CHM 110-02 for today, Monday 9/21/15.

CHM 101:  We’ll finish covering the Chapter 10 material (sections 10.1-10.5) on energy and will then go back to Chapter 4 once we’re done.  Go ahead and take a look at the Chapter 4 material so you’ll be prepared.  I’ve updated the D2L gradebook with your scores from the second attempt of Test 1, and I’ll give you back the actual papers at our next class meeting on Wednesday.

CHM 110 01 and 02:  Read over chemical nomenclature (in Chapter 2) before Wednesday’s class.  I’ve updated the D2L gradebook with your scores from the second attempt of Test 1, and I’ll give you back the actual papers at our next class meeting on Wednesday.  If your score doesn’t appear to have changed, you scored better (or the same) on your first attempt.

Monday lab will not meet this week since I’m out, but the Wednesday lab is still on – and we will do Experiment 3A this week.  We will need to adjust the Monday lab schedule a bit to work around this unexpected holiday.  I will update the lab schedule on Tuesday when I’m back on campus.


CHM 110 03 (TTH lecture): Board notes for 09/08/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for section 3 (TTH lecture).  These notes discuss molecular and ionic compounds, and how to predict the charge on ions in an ionic compound containing main-group metals.

[CHM 110 03: 09/08/2015 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below.