Daily Archives: February 25, 2015

ANOTHER Winter weather delay: Thursday 2/26/15

FDTC is, yet again, on a two-hour delay.  FDTC will open at 10:00 AM on Thursday 2/26/15 due to potential icy road conditions caused by the upcoming winter storm.  Here’s what that means for Thursday’s CHM classes.

CHM 111 (9:30 AM lecture):  The 9:30 lecture will not meet Thursday morning.  Finish reading Chapter 12 before Tuesday’s lecture class.  Since we will have missed a week, we’ll need to change the CHM 111 test schedule, and we’ll discuss that on Tuesday. We’ll also meet Tuesday afternoon for lab to finish up the gravimetric chloride experiment.

CHM 110 01 and 02 (11:00 AM lecture):  Currently, this class is not affected by the delay and will meet at 11:00 AM as scheduled.

CHM 110-01 (2:30 PM lab):  This lab is not affected by the delay and will meet at 2:30 PM as scheduled for experiment 3B.