Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

CHM 110: Shared data for Experiment 3B (Wednesday lab, section 2)

Here’s the shared data from CHM 110 Experiment 3B. These are the ratios of mass product / mass barium chloride dihydrate that you need to complete the table on page 74 and answer the questions on pages 75 and 76.  This is data for the Wednesday lab section (section 2)!

Ratio of (mass product / mass BaCl2.2H2O):

  • 0.85024
  • 0.85142
  • 0.84720
  • 0.85137

The write-up for Experiment 3B is due at our next lab meeting. If you have any questions about either the calculations or the rest of the write-up, either come by my office or ask here in comments.

Here’s a handout that describes the calculation procedure for this experiment:

[CHM 110 Experiment 3B calculation notes]

I recommend that you use your TI-83 calculator or a spreadsheet to find the standard deviation the lab manual asks you to calculate.

CHM 110: Shared data for Experiment 3B (Monday lab, section 1)

Here’s the shared data from CHM 110 Experiment 3B. These are the ratios of mass product / mass barium chloride dihydrate that you need to complete the table on page 74 and answer the questions on pages 75 and 76.  This is data for the Monday lab section (section 1)!

Ratio of (mass product / mass BaCl2.2H2O):

  • 0.85193
  • 0.85105
  • 0.84685
  • 0.85265

The write-up for Experiment 3B is due at our next lab meeting. If you have any questions about either the calculations or the rest of the write-up, either come by my office or ask here in comments.

Here’s a handout that describes the calculation procedure for this experiment:

[CHM 110 Experiment 3B calculation notes]

I recommend that you use your TI-83 calculator or a spreadsheet to find the standard deviation the lab manual asks you to calculate.

CHM 110: A few notes on prelabs

Just a few reminders about CHM 110 prelab assignments.

  1. Prelabs are due at the beginning of each lab.
  2. Prelabs (and lab reports from the book) must be submitted on either the original pages from the lab manual or on photocopies of those pages.  Prelabs (and lab reports) written on notebook paper will not be accepted for credit, and will be given a zero grade.
  3. I will call for prelabs before we start each laboratory period.  Prelabs must be turned in at that time.  Any prelabs turned in after the call for prelabs will not be accepted  for credit, and will be given a zero grade

CHM 110: Some “final” announcements

CHM 110 students

Just a few quick announcements before tomorrow’s final exam:

  1. Check [Desire2Learn] on Saturday for your grades.  I will also post a note on the main course web site (here) when I have finished calculating your grades.
  2. You do not get to keep a copy of your final exam.  However, if you would like to view your graded exam, then visit me during office hours sometime next week.
  3. If you’re registered for CHM 111, class begins on Monday morning.  The required books and accessories for CHM 111 are the same as for CHM 110.  Class meeting times and locations are the same as for CHM 110.  If you’re signed up for a different section of CHM 111 (i.e. you’re signed up for section 2 in 110 but section 1 in 111), your lab times might be different.  Check your schedule!
  4. If you’re finishing CHM 110, have decided you would like to take CHM 110, and are not registered for the course – you may still register for CHM 111 as late as Monday.  Come to Monday’s class and ask me for a registration form right after the class is over.
  5. Please remember to bring both a calculator with good batteries and something to write with to the exam!

Any last-minute questions?  Ask them here!  I will be checking periodically for questions until 11:00 PM tonight.

CHM 110: Grades updated

CHM 110- students:

If you’re in section 1, you may view your lab average (and your updated course average) on [Desire2Learn].  If you are in section 2, I will post your lab averages as soon as I receive them  from Mr. Sneeringer.

Also, remember that CHM 110 lecture will not meet on Thursday morning (lab is unaffected).  If you have any questions about the final, please drop by the office or leave a comment on this post.

(If there are any CHM 100 students reading this post, CHM 100 lecture meets as usual on Thursday!)

Remember to bring a calculator with good batteries to the final on Friday!

CHM 110: Status update

As all of you know by now, I wasn’t able to make it to class this morning (6/2/10).  Because the week was already a short one due to the Memorial Day holiday, we will need a little more time before we have our next test.

So, Test #3 will be postponed until Monday, 6/7.  This should give us enough time to finish up chapters 4 and 5 on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Test #4 will be on Friday, 6/11 as already scheduled, and the final exam will be the following Friday.

CHM 100: Updated study guides available

I have updated some of the study guides for this summer’s new textbook edition.  Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are currently available, and you can find them at the top of the [study guides page].  (The first CHM 100 test covers chapters 1-3!)

I will be updating the guides for the other chapters as time permits

If you have any problems accessing the study guides, please leave a comment below.