Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

Weekend Update (all classes): End of Week 5


Another week done!

CHM 101

You’ll receive your homework assignment on Monday morning, and it’ll be due Wednesday.  We will begin discussing chemical nomenclature (chapter 5) this week.

Reminder: Friday’s lab (the hydrogen lab) will require proper lab dress (long pants and shoes that cover your whole foot, so don’t forget!  Future labs will also require proper lab dress.

CHM 110 (01 and 02 –Monday/Wednesday sections)

Start to read over chemical calculations (Chapter 3).  We will finish Chapter 2 on Monday.

We will do Experiment 1A in lab this week.  You will need to wear proper lab dress (long pants, shoes that cover the top of the feet) for this and all remaining labs.  If you’ve gotten a pair of safety goggles/glasses, remember to bring them to lab.  (Notebook and manual are required, as they will be for all remaining labs.)

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday section)

You should be working on practice problems for Chapter 3 at this point.  We will continue with chemical calculations in class.

We will do Experiment 1A in lab this week.  You will need to wear proper lab dress (long pants, shoes that cover the top of the feet) for this and all remaining labs.  If you’ve gotten a pair of safety goggles/glasses, remember to bring them to lab. (Notebook and manual are required, as they will be for all remaining labs.)

Weekend Update (all classes): End of Week 4

weekendupdateheaderAnother week done!

CHM 101

No homework over this weekend, since you had a test your lass class period.  We’ll continue on this week with chapter 4 in the textbook, where we’ll talk about the nature of the atom.

Reminder: Friday’s lab (the oxygen lab) will require proper lab dress (long pants and shoes that cover your whole foot, so don’t forget!

CHM 110 (01 and 02 – Monday/Wednesday sections)

You’ll get your test back on Monday, but I likely won’t have time to get the grades into D2L until after you get the test back.

We will continue in Chapter 2 this week with chemical nomenclature.  It’ll help if you’ve read the material in the book before we go over it in class.  It’s not overly difficult, but it will require some practice to get it right,

We will do Experiment 1C in lab, which is similar to the introductory lab but with actual statistics.  You’ll need a calculator for this one, and you will be required to record this experiment in your laboratory notebook, so don’t forget to bring it!

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday section)

You’ll get your test back on Tuesday morning.

We will likely finish up Chapter 2 and start Chapter 3 this week.  Chapter 3 teaches us chemical calculations.  If you learned the dimensiunal analysis method for the the first test, Chapter 3 will be a lot easier!

We will do Experiment 1C in lab, which is similar to the introductory lab but with actual statistics.  You’ll need a calculator for this one, and you will be required to record this experiment in your laboratory notebook, so don’t forget to bring it!

Weekend Update (all classes): End of Week 3

weekendupdateheaderAnother week done!

CHM 101

You have a test coming up n Wednesday 9/11, covering chapters 1, 2, 3, and 10.1-10.5 (energy).  We will finish up te material on energy on Monday, then use the rest of out class time ti discuss the test.

You will need your lab manual for labs from now on, so make sure you bring yours on Friday,

Edit (9/9):  I noticed the energy study guides on the CHM 101 study guides page wasn’t clickable.  That link has been fixed and the study guide should be accessable now..

CHM 110 (01 and 02 – Monday/Wednesday sections)

We have a test coming up on Wednesday 9/11.  The test in sections 1 and 2 will cover all of the first chapter, and up through section 2.6 in the second chapter (up through how to write ionic formulas).

This week will be out first lab experiment.  The experiment will be covered in a handout, so if you haven’t yet gotten your lab manual, you’ll be okay this week.  (That said, if you do have your manual, go ahead and bring it to lab with you.)  You will not be required to record this week’s experiment in your lab notebook.

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday section)

We have a test coming up on Thursday 9/12.  The test in section 3 will cover all of the first chapter, and up through section 2.8 in the second chapter (up through names and formulas of ionic compounds).  Don’t worry about organic compounds (section 2.7) at this point.

This week will be out first lab experiment.  The experiment will be covered in a handout, so if you haven’t yet gotten your lab manual, you’ll be okay this week.  (That said, if you do have your manual, go ahead and bring it to lab with you.)  You will not be required to record this week’s experiment in your lab notebook.


Weekend Update (all classes): End of Week 2

weekendupdateheaderCongratulations!  You’ve all made it to the end of the second week.  I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day holiday!

CHM 101

We discussed matter this past week, and are currently discussing energy.  Energy is covered in the textbook in sections 10.1-10.5, so make sure to take a look at those sections in the textbook.  After we finish with sections 10.1-10.5, we’ll return to where we left off in the textbook and continue on with chapter 4.

Remember – we have a test a week from Wednesday, and our first experiment in lab this week!

CHM 110 (01 and 02 – Monday/Wednesday sections)

We’ve finished up our discussion of math – significant figures and dimensional analysis.  I’ve posted the practice problems we worked on in the lab periods this week.  Take a look at these for extra practice on dimensional analysis if you need it – there are more problems there than we actually worked in the lab period.  For the rest of the week, we’ll work on Chapter 2 – properties of the atom, the periodic table, and chemical conpounds.  The first test is coming up a week from Wednesday, so make sure you stay current with the material.  For sections 1 and 2, the first test will likely cover up through nomenclature of ionic compounds.

Remember that CHM 110 labs aren’t meeting during week 3 – we’ll only have lecture meetings.

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday sections)

We have, like the other sections, finished up the math – significant figures and dimensional analysis.  I’ve posted a 36-problem practice set on the main page which you can use for more practice on dimensional analysis if you feel you need it.

Keep reading in Chapter 2 – we’ve already covered the atom and Dalton’s atomic theory – since the test we’ll have a week from Thursday will cover the first two chapters in the textbook.

Remember that CHM 110 labs aren’t meeting during week 3 – we’ll only have lecture meetings.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them as comments on this post.

CHM 110 (All sections): Dimensional Analysis Problem Session Solutions

Here’s a set of dimensional analysis practice problems and their answers.  Those of you in the Monday and Wednesday labs will recognize this as the exercise we did during the lab period, but it contains more practice problems than we actually worked in the exercise.  Take a look!

[CHM 110: Dimensional Analysis Problem Session Problem Set]

[CHM 110: Dimensional Analysis Problem Session Problem Set SOLUTIONS]


Weekend Update (all classes): 8/23/2013

weekendupdateheaderCongratulations!  You’ve all made it to the end of the first week.  This is the first of a series of postings that will show up here on the Chemistry Information Site at the end of each week.  Here we’ll summarize what we did over the course of the week and I’ll give you some suggestions as to what you should be doing to prepare for the next week.

CHM 101

Like all the CHM classes, we spent a good portion of our first class period going over the various administrative things we needed to talk about to get the course started.  Then, we discussed the basic definition on chemistry and how to use the scientific method.  Since chemistry is a measurement-based science, we discussed units (mostly metric) and how to change back and forth between different units.  We also performed a classroom experiment on precision, and we’ll discuss the results of that experiment first thing on Monday.

Over the weekend, work on your first assignment (it’s due Monday morning) on unit conversions.  By this point, you should have read through chapters 1 and 2 in the textbook and started on the suggested problems from the study guides for these chapters.  If you’ve not done so yet, print out the first two study guides and this week’s notes and put them all in a binder for you to study with.

CHM 110 (01 and 02 – Monday/Wednesday sections)

Like all the CHM classes, we spent a good portion of our first class period going over the various administrative things we needed to talk about to get the course started.  Then, we discussed measurements and reviewed the metric system, along with several derived metric units that are useful for chemistry.  We discussed dimensional analysis – a method of problem-solving that’s particularly good for unit conversions.

Over the weekend, you should work on some of the practice sets and suggested problems from chapter 1.  By this point, you should have read through chapter 1 and be starting on chapter 2 in the textbook.  If you don’t have your book yet, use the supplemental notes (the first two headings cover the first two chapters in the book) to stay caught up with the material.  If you’ve not done so yet, print out the first two study guides and this week’s notes and put them all in a binder for you to study with.

CHM 110 (03 – Tuesday/Thursday sections)

Like all the CHM classes, we spent a good portion of our first class period going over the various administrative things we needed to talk about to get the course started.  Then, we discussed measurements and reviewed the metric system, along with several derived metric units that are useful for chemistry.  We discussed dimensional analysis – a method of problem-solving that’s particularly good for unit conversions.

Over the weekend, you should work on some of the practice sets and suggested problems from chapter 1.  By this point, you should have read through chapter 1 and be starting on chapter 2 in the textbook.  If you don’t have your book yet, use the supplemental notes (the first two headings cover the first two chapters in the book) to stay caught up with the material.  If you’ve not done so yet, print out the first two study guides and this week’s notes and put them all in a binder for you to study with.  And yes, for this week all the CHM 110 sections are at the same place.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them as comments on this post.

CHM 110 and 111 students: Grades posted!

I have posted final grades for CHM 110 (Summer 10 week) and CHM 111 (Summer 5 week).  You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your numeric average on Desire2Learn (D2L), as well as your latter grade.  Grades are available on D2L now. If you would like a copy of all of your lecture grades from the course as well as your numeric average, print from D2L now.  You will only have access to this semester’s grades on D2L for one more week – whether or not you are attending classes next term.
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  The grade on Webadvisor is your official grade, and will be the one recorded on your transcript.  WebAdvisor will only show your final letter grade, not your individual assignment grades or numeric average.  Grades will be available on WebAdvisor on Monday afternoon.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view your final (you don’t get to keep a copy of the final, sorry!), you may come by the office next week.  Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed to discuss grades over the telephone!  You may e-mail me in Desire2Learn to ask about your grades, since Desire2Learn’s e-mail is a private messaging system which requires a password to log in.


Most of your regular tests this semester had more than 100 points on them.  These points were “extra credit”, as was the fact that your final exam could replace your lowest test score.  In lab, your lowest report grade was also dropped.  In other words, your reported grade in D2L already includes all the “extra credit” you will receive in this course.  Any requests for additional “extra credit” will be ignored.


If you’re a CHM 110 student who is planning on taking CHM 111 the next time it’s offered, don’t sell your textbook or lab manual!  We will be using the same materials for CHM 111 as we did for CHM 110.  The only additional thing you need to buy new for CHM 111 is a new lab notebook (same type as you bought for CHM 110).


CHM 110: In the fall, we offer several sections of CHM 110 during our daytime 15 week session.

CHM 111:  We’re not currently offering CHM 111 in the fall semester.  It will be offered in the spring term during the regular daytime 15 week session.  It will also be offered in a five week session over the summer, as it was this year.

Now, it’s time to …

[North Myrtle Beach]

…enjoy the last few weeks of summer!