Monthly Archives: May 2015

CHM 110 03 (10 week): Board notes for 05/26/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for section 3 (the ten-week session).  These notes discuss Dalton’s atomic theory and math with significant figures.

[CHM 110 03: 05/26/2015 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below,

Thursday’s (5/28/15) Test 1 covers up through today’s notes (section 2.1 in the textbook).  If you’re using the supplemental notes, the test covers all of the “Introductory Material” note packs and the first page of the first note pack in “The Language of Chemistry”.

CHM 110 01 (5 week): Board notes for 05/21/2015

Here are today’s CHM 110 notes for section 1 (the five-week session).  These notes discuss Dalton’s atomic theory, subatomic particles, and the nuclear model of the atom.

[CHM 110 01: 05/21/2015 notes]

Any questions?  Any trouble accessing the notes? Ask questions or report problems using the comments link below

Tomorrow’s (5/22/15) Test 1 covers up through today’s notes (section 2.4 in the textbook).  If you’re using the supplemental notes, the test covers all of the “Introductory Material” note packs and the first note pack in “The Language of Chemistry”.

Free tutoring available in the Success Center

Summer tutoring is available for CHM 110!  From one of our chemistry tutors:

Karen Herbert Says:
Welcome! I’m in the tutoring center on Tuesdays & Thursdays 1 pm – 7 pm and Wednesday 10 am – 1:30 pm. Don’t get behind, Fabiola & I are ready to help you study for the tests each week. We are located in Bldg 300, Room 300.