Category Archives: Fall 2007: CHM 100 Class Notes

Notes from the Fall 2007 CHM 100 lecture class

CHM 100 9/12/07 notes

Here are the notes for today’s (Wednesday 9/12/07) CHM 100 class [9/12/07 notes]

This is the last new material that will be on the first test this Friday. Remember, the first test covers chapters 1, 2, and the matter half of Chapter 3! If you have not already, remember to print out the [study guides] for the first three chapters to help you study!

I’ll be coming to class a few minutes early this Friday so that you can start the test early. I’ll try to give you a few minutes at the end of class to finish up your test, but I won’t be able to give you much time at the end because I have to teach another class at 10:10 AM!

Don’t forget to bring your calculator to the test!

If you have any test-related questions, please leave a comment.