Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

Reminder: Tutoring!

Just a reminder … Tutoring is available in the Success Center for students in CHM 110.  Since summer semesters are shorter than normal, it’s vitally important to stay caught up in CHM 110 – you can’t afford to get confused and fall behind!

  1. Karen Herbert Says:
    Hey students! My hours on Tuesday the 3rd will begin at 3:30 pm. Sorry for the change this week. For help with mass/mole calculations you can see Tony, Chris, or Matthew. On Thursday, hours will be 12:30 pm – 5 pm.

Best of all, tutoring in the Success Center is FREE!

CHM 110 and 111 students: Spring 2014 grades are posted!

I have posted final grades for CHM 110 and CHM 111.  You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your numeric average on Desire2Learn (D2L), as well as your latter grade.  Grades are available on D2L now. If you would like a copy of all of your lecture and lab grades from the course as well as your numeric average, print from D2L now.  You will only have access to this semester’s grades on D2L for one more week – whether or not you are attending classes next term.
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  The grade on Webadvisor is your official grade, and will be the one recorded on your transcript.  WebAdvisor will only show your final letter grade, not your individual assignment grades or numeric average.  Grades are available on WebAdvisor now.

If you have any questions about your grade or if you wish to view your final (you don’t get to keep a copy of the final, sorry!), you may come by the office next week.  Please don’t call to ask about your grades, because I’m not allowed to discuss grades over the telephone!  You may e-mail me using your FDTC e-mail address to ask about your grades.


If you’re a CHM 110 student who is planning on taking CHM 111 the next time it’s offered, don’t sell your textbook or lab manual!  We will be using the same materials for CHM 111 as we did for CHM 110.  The only additional thing you need to buy new for CHM 111 is a new lab notebook (same type as you bought for CHM 110).


CHM 110: In the fall, we offer several sections of CHM 110 during our daytime 15 week session.  In the summer, we offer CHM 110 in both a five-week and a ten-week session.

CHM 111:  We’re not currently offering CHM 111 in the fall semester.  It will be offered in the spring term during the regular daytime 15 week session.  It will also be offered in a five week session this summer.  If you’re interested in a CHM 111 course for fall semester, please e-mail me.  If there it enough interest, I may be able to persuade the higher-ups to open up a fall section.

Now, it’s time to …

[North Myrtle Beach]

… enjoy the summer!

Final Exam Week is almost here: CHM 110 and 111

[This post will stay at the top of the page.  Scroll down to get the latest notes for CHM 110 and 111]


  • You may pick up your graded Test 4 at my office (5416-G).  You’ll find the tests hanging on hooks on my office door, so you may come by anytime – not just during office hours.
  • If you’d like to know your Test 4 grade right now and you can’t come by today, check Desire2Learn.  I have updated the grade book in all sections with the Test 4 grade as well as an estimate of your current course average.

CHM 110 Sections 01 and 02 (T/TH lecture): 

  • The cumulative final exam will be on Tuesday May 6th at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM in room 5404.

CHM 110 Section 3 (M/W lecture):

  • The cumulative final exam will be on Wednesday May 7th at 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM in room 5404.

CHM 111:

  • The cumulative final exam will be on Thursday May 8th at 9:30 AM – 1:00 AM in room 5404.

Upcoming Tests: CHM 110 and 111

[This post will stay at the top of the page for this week.  Scroll down to get the latest notes for CHM 110 and 111]

CHM 110 Sections 01 and 02 (T/TH lecture):  Your next test will be on Tuesday April 15th during the normal lecture period.  The test will cover chapters 4, 5, and 6 .. as well as the parts of chapter 3 (chemical calculations) that were not covered on Test 2.  We will finish chapter 5 in lecture on Thursday, and we will completely cover Chapter 6 in your lab period this week.

CHM 110 Section 3 (M/W lecture): Your next test will be Monday April 14th during the normal lecture period.  The test will cover chapters 4, 5, and 6.

CHM 111:  Your next test will be Tuesday April 15th during the normal lecture period.  The test will cover chapters 14 and 15.

This week’s events: March 24 – March 28

Note: This post will remain at the top for the week.  Scroll down for the latest notes and other postings!

Here are some important events for this week in CHM classesL

March 24 (Monday)

  • CHM 110 SECTION 3 LAB:  We will use the lab period as a supplemental lecture.  The lab period will be held in Room 5402 as usual, and we’ll meet for about an hour and a half.

Match 25 (Tuesday)

  • CHM 111 LAB:  We will perform experiment 12A tis week, at the usual time and place.

Match 26 (Wednesday)

  • CHM110 SECTION 3:  Version 2 of Test 2 will be given during the lecture period.
  • CHM 110 SECTION 2 LAB: Version 2 of Test 2 will be given during the lab period.  We’ll meet in the lab room (5402) for the test.

March 27 (Thursday)

  • CHM 110 SECTION 1 LAB: Version 2 of Test 2 will be given during the lab period.  We’ll meet in the lab room (5402) for the test.
  • CHM111:  Version 2 of Test 2 will be given during the lecture period.

Winter Weather Update: Classes canceled Thursday February 13th

Given the conditions around Florence and Darlington, this is not at all surprising:

***FDTC will be closed for all Faculty, Staff, and Students on Thursday, Feb. 13th.***

Impacts on this week’s chemistry classes:

CHM 110 01 and 02 (Tuesday/Thursday lecture):Test 1 for CHM 110 01 and 02 will be next Thursday.  Sections 1 and 2 will be doing experiment 1A during their next lab period.

CHM 110 03 (Monday/Wednesday lecture):

Test 1 for CHM 110 03 will be on Monday morning during the lecture period.  Section 3 lab will not meet Monday afternoon.

CHM 111:

Test 1 for CHM 111 will be on Tuesday.  The next lab will be Experiment 10A.  The IR report (one per group) is due at the beginning of the next lab period.

I will post updated lab schedules for all affected classes when I’m back in the office.  If you have any questions, send me an email or leave a comment here.

Icy roads

Watch out for icy roads!

Winter Weather Update: Classes canceled Wednesday February 12th

From the FDTC web site:

***FDTC will be closed for all Faculty, Staff, and Students on Wednesday, Feb. 12th.***

What this means for CHM 110 and CHM 111 (so far)

CHM 110 01 and 02 (Tuesday/Thursday lecture):

  • If school is open on Thursday in time for our lecture, the first CHM 110 test for sections 1 and 2 will be on Tuesday.  If we are out Thursday, the first 110 test for sections 1 and 2 will be next Thursday.
  • The Wednesday lab (section 2) is canceled.  I will update the lab schedules after the winter weather is over and we’re back on campus.

CHM 110 03 (Monday/Wednesday lecture):

  • The first CHM 110 test for section 3 will be given on Monday.  It covers all of chapter 1 and chapter 2 through ionic nomenclature.

CHM 111:

  • If school is open on Thursday in time for our lecture, the first CHM 111  test will be this Thursday.  The test covers chapters 10 and 11.  If we are out Thursday, the first 111 test will be Tuesday.
  • The IR report is due next Tuesday at the beginning of our lab period.

I’ll post updated information tomorrow when I get it.  If you have any questions, leave a comment here or send me an e-mail!