Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

And more computer issues

I’m having to reinstall some more stuff on my computer, so Wednesday’s notes will be delayed until Thursday morning for CHM 110 sections 1 and 2 and for CHM 111.  Sorry for the delay.  Hopefully the problems will be fixed permanently now!

Tropical Storm Update (Monday 9/11/17, 3:15 PM)

According to the FDTC web site,

Alert: Florence-Darlington Technical College will have a 2-hour delay for all students, faculty, and staff on Tuesday, September 12th. Students should report to their classroom at 10 AM.

Here’s what that means for us.

  • CHM 110 lecture for sections 3 (normally at 9:30 AM) is canceled for Tuesday.  Section 3 students do not need to come to the classroom at 10:00 AM.
  • Lecture tests for CHM 110 section 3 will be returned on Thursday; the test grades are already posted in D2L.
  • CHM 111 lab will meet at 11:00 AM (the scheduled time) on Tuesday for Experiment 10A.

Nothing has changed for CHM 110 sections 1 and 2 since the last update.

Stay safe!

Hurricane Update (Sunday 9/10/17, 4:00 PM)

According to the FDTC web site,

Alert: All Florence-Darlington Technical College’s sites will be closed on Monday, September 11, 2017 to all students, faculty, and staff. Please check back tomorrow for an updated status regarding Tuesday’s classes.

Here’s what that means for us.

  • CHM 110 lecture for sections 1 and 2 (normally at 11:00 AM) is canceled for Monday.
  • CHM 110 lab for section 1 (normally at 2:30 PM) is canceled for Monday.
  • CHM 111 lecture for section 1 is canceled for Monday.
  • Lecture tests for CHM 110 sections 1 and 2 and for CHM 111 section 1 will be returned on Wednesday; the test grades are already posted in D2L.

The lab schedule for CHM 110 section 1 will be rearranged when we get back to school.  Unless we are out more days than anticipated, the section 2 lab schedule will not need to be changed.  CHM 110 Section 2 should plan to do Experiment 1A on Wednesday as scheduled.  So far, there are no impacts to CHM 110 section 3 (the Tuesday/Thursday lecture section with Thursday lab).

CHM 111 students should plan to do Experiment 10A on Tuesday as scheduled.

Stay safe out there!

Finals are done!

Final grades have been posted.  You may get your grades from these places:

  1. [Desire2Learn].  You can see individual test grades and your numeric average on Desire2Learn (D2L), as well as your letter grade.  Grades are available on D2L now for all sections of CHM 110 and CHM 111.   If you would like a copy of all of your grades from the course as well as your numeric average, print them from D2L now.  You will only have access to this semester’s grades on D2L for a week or two – whether or not you are attending classes in the summer or fall.
  2. [WebAdvisor].  Webadvisor is your link to official FDTC data.  The grade on Webadvisor is your official grade, and will be the one recorded on your transcript.  WebAdvisor will only show your final letter grade, not your individual assignment grades or numeric average.  Grades are now available on WebAdvisor.


If you’re a CHM 110 student who is planning on taking CHM 111 in the summer or fall, don’t sell your textbook or lab manual!  We will be using the same materials for CHM 111 as we did for CHM 110.  If the textbook changes editions between now and summer or fall, I’ll allow you to use your “old” book.

For now …

Myrtle Beach

Enjoy the summer!

Finals week is here!

This is a “sticky” post.  It will remain at the top of the page until finals are done.  SCROLL DOWN the main page to see the new notes, or select your class from the CHM 110 or CHM 111 category menu above.

Finals week is here.  Click the “Continue reading” link below to see dates, times, and other important information for the Fall 2016 CHM 110 and CHM 111 finals.

CHM 110 Section 1 students: Your final exam grades and final course grades are now available in Desire2Learn!

CHM 110 students may pick up their graded Test 4 at my office, room 5416-G.  The tests have been put into envelopes organized by name and section, and they are currently hanging on hooks on the office door.  Tests may be picked up anytime FDTC is open, not just during my office hours.

Continue reading

Upcoming Tests (Test 4)

This post will remain at the top of the page until after Test 4.  Scroll down to see the latest notes and other announcements.

Here is some information about tests upcoming in CHM 110 and CHM 111.

CHM 110 Section 1 (M/M lecture)

Section 1’s fourth CHM 110 test will be given on Wednesday, April 26th, at 11:00 AM.  Since this day is normally our lab day, the test will be given in the lab room, 5402.  The test covers sections 5.7-5.8, sections 6.1-6.6, all sections in chapter 7, sections 8.1-8.4 and section 8.6, and sections 9.1-9.2 and 9.4-9.6.

CHM 110 Section 2 (3:30P MW lecture)

Section 2’s fourth CHM 110 test will be given on Wednesday, April 26th, at our normal lecture time and in our normal lecture room.  The test covers sections 6.1-6.6, all sections in chapter 7, sections 8.1-8.4 and section 8.6, and sections 9.1, 9.2 , 9.4, and 9.5.

CHM 110 Section 3 (9:30A MW lecture)

Section 3’s fourth CHM 110 test will be given on Wednesday, April 26th, at our normal lecture time and in our normal lecture room. The test covers sections 6.1-6.6, all sections in chapter 7, sections 8.1-8.4 and section 8.6, and sections 9.1-9.2 and 9.4-9.6.

CHM 111

The fourth CHM 111 test will be given on Tuesday, April 25th, at our normal lecture time and in our normal lecture room.  Test 4 will cover Chapter 16 – weak acids, weak bases, salts, buffers, and indicators.

I will update this post with more information as the tests draw closer.

Tutoring update

From our success center tutor:

Good news! I am back tutoring for the reminder of the semester. Hours next week are Wednesday 9 am to 12:30pm and Thursday 10 am to 5:00 pm. Note that is just April 19th and 20th. On Thursday I will be focusing on review for the Final Exam.

The following week, my hours will be Monday April 24th, 2pm – 5:30pm, Wednesday April 26th 9 am – 12:30, Thursday TBA.

I apologize for the break in service and glad to be back.