Category Archives: Announcements

General announcements. All students should read these.

CHM 110: Lab exam study guide


The CHM 110 lab exam is Thursday, April 23rd!

Click the link for a study guide for the lab exam: [CHM 110 lab exam study guide]

You may use these on the lab exam:

  • Y9ur lab notebook
  • Your calculator
  • Your brain

You may not use these on the lab exam:

  • Your lab manual
  • Your partners

Bring your lab notebook and a calculator to the lab exam on Thursday!  You will turn in your lab notebook along with your lab exam.

Upcoming chemistry tests

Here are the dates of upcoming chemistry tests

  • CHM 100 LECTURE sections 01 and 02:  3/11/09.  Test covers chapters 4-5.
  • CHM 100 LAB section 01:  3/9/09.  Test covers experiments 2,3,4,6,7
  • CHM 100 LAB section 02:  3/10/09.  Test covers experiments 2,3,4,6,7
  • CHM 110 section 1:  3/12/09.  Test covers chapters 3-4 (and the bit about chemical equations from chapter 2)

Remember, SPRING BREAK is 3/16/09 – 3/20/09 !

Any questions? Ask here!

UPDATED: Tech on delay on Monday 3/2/2009

[According to the national weather service], there’s a good chance that we will have at least a little snow accumulation on Sunday night and Monday morning.

[Tech has announced] that the school will be on a delay on Monday, in anticipation of some snowfall Sunday night.

From Tech's web site at 7:00 PM Sunday night

From Tech's web site at 7:00 PM Sunday night

For students, classes before 11:00 AM are canceled.  Here’s what that means for Monday’s chemistry classes.

CHM 100:  The 9:30 AM lecture is canceled.  Unless Tech changes their mind and closes the school all day, the 2:30 PM lab will still meet as scheduledQuiz #4 is due on Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM.

CHM 111:  Since our class doesn’t affect our 12:30 PM class.  So unless Tech decided to close the school all day, we will have our test on chapters 12 and 13 tomorrow as scheduled.

If you have any questions, leave a comment on this post.

CHM 100: Lab exam study guide

I’ve posted a study guide for the first lab exam.  You can see the study guide by either following the links on the right side of this page or by [clicking this link].  We will have our first lab exam the week after we complete Experiment 7

A few notes:.

  • I will give you back your reports for the experiments we’ve done up through Experiment 6 during next week’s lab.
  • You won’t get back your report for Experiment 7 before the lab test, so make sure you take good botes on Experiment 7!
  • The experiment will not cover the introductory experiment specifically, but the main concepts in the introductory experiment are covered in Experiment 2.

CHM 110: Experiment 3B shared data (Section 1)

Here’s the shared data from CHM 110 Experiment 3B. These are the ratios of mass product / mass barium chloride dihydrate that you need to complete the table on page 74 and answer the questions on pages 75 and 76.  This is data for the Thursday lab section (section 1)!

Ratio of (mass product / mass BaCl2.2H2O):

  • 0.85117
  • 0.84988
  • 0.85131
  • 0.85040
  • 0.85230
  • 0.85094

The write-up for Experiment 3B is due at our next lab meeting. If you have any questions about either the calculations or the rest of the write-up, either come by my office or ask here in comments.  We will discuss the calculations for this lab in Tuesday’s class.

I recommend that you use your TI-83 caclulator or your spreadsheet to find the standard deviation – you don’t have to calculate it by hand.

Missed tests / Test make-ups

CHM 100 and CHM 111 students:

If you missed Wednesday’s test and would like to take a make-up test, please come by my office (room 5416-C) tomorrow (2/13/09) between 9:30 AM and 10:45 AM.  You will need about an hour to complete the test.

If you missed the test and have not come to take a make-up by 10:45 AM, your final exam will substitute for this missed test and any other missed tests will be given a zero grade.

CHM 110 students:

If you missed Thursday’s test and would like to take a make-up test, please come by my office (room 5416-C) tomorrow (2/13/09) between 9:30 AM and 10:45 AM.  You will need about an hour to complete the test.

If you missed the test and have not come to take a make-up by 10:45 AM, your final exam will substitute for this missed test and any other missed tests will be given a zero grade.